Club Operations

What is the PMYC?

The Port Macquarie Yacht Club is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation that conducts water sports in Port Macquarie. Each year the PMYC conducts yacht racing in both the Hastings River and also offshore from Port Macquarie. The PMYC Executive Committee consists of 4 primary positions being the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Members of the Executive Committee can be seen here  Committee

The Race Committee, usually chaired by the Vice Commodore, presides over the event schedule, Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race. Each event will have a representative of the Race Committee called the Officer Of the Day ( OOD ) that will act on behalf of the race committee to coordinate events. 

Monthly Meetings

Each month the PMYC conducts a meeting to administer the club operation. This meeting is generally an administrative meeting to review expenses, correspondence and committee actions. Club members are welcome to attend these meetings and provide their input into club operations.

Monthly meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at the Port Macquarie Sailing Club, Mcherny Park. Check the Event Schedule for more information see the event calendar here Racing